Teaching the Spiritual Discipline of Generosity

Teaching the Spiritual Discipline of Generosity

An open, honest conversation can be a powerful tool for clergy and laity when broaching delicate topics with our congregations. The Foundation’s President and CEO, Reverend Dr. Elizabeth Coppedge-Henley, has embraced her role in facilitating dialogue around...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

This holiday season the Georgia United Methodist Foundation is taking time to appreciate the gifts this year has brought for us as well as for our incredible client’s and their ministries. We have partnered with churches, their clergy, and individuals to achieve their...
A Season of Preparation

A Season of Preparation

As we prepare for the coming of Christ during the Advent season, we appreciate more than ever the role our churches play in keeping our focus on the true meaning of Christmas. To honor that principle role, we spoke with two of our investment partner churches to learn...
GUMF Renovation Loans Make Way for the Future

GUMF Renovation Loans Make Way for the Future

All Saints Day is a special time of year for Methodists to honor those who have gone before us. We light candles, ring bells and remember saints, both living and dead, who have made an impact on our faith in meaningful ways. The tradition falls on the first Sunday in...
Planning Your Year-End Giving

Planning Your Year-End Giving

Often our church members wait until the end of the year to carry out the bulk of their annual giving. This can be for a variety of reasons and allows donors to engage in stewardship with a full understanding of their annual income and means to give. These year-end...