
An Investment With Spiritual and Financial Rewards

Certificate Rates

Certificate Term




Certificate Term




Certificate Term




Certificate Term




Rates as of September 2024. All rates are subject to change without notice. Please contact the Foundation at 770-449-6726 for current rates. Georgia Methodist churches, nonprofits, individuals, and families with historical ties to the Methodist Church are eligible to invest. A minimum investment of $5,000 per certificate is required. Certificates are not insured by the FDIC or any other government agency and are not obligations of or guaranteed by a bank. This ad constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy the securities described. Offers are made only after receiving and reviewing an Offering Circular.

How To Invest in the Foundation’s
Certificate Program

Step 1:

Download and Review Our Offering Circular
Download and review the Offering Circular, which includes investment objectives, risks and other information.
Download Offering Circular

Step 2:

Select and Download an Application

Step 3:

Complete and Mail Your Application
Complete the Application to Purchase a Certificate and mail it with your check made payable to the Georgia United Methodist Foundation:
PO Box 922087, Peachtree Corners, GA

Certificate Investments Elevate the Mission of the Church

The Georgia United Methodist Foundation Certificate Program is an impactful investment opportunity that offers spiritual and financial rewards. One hundred percent of your investment elevates the mission and ministry of churches and nonprofits through loans to refinance, build, expand, or renovate facilities.

In addition, we offer higher returns than similar instruments, meaning you save more while receiving peace of mind knowing your investment is helping churches and nonprofits be good stewards of the funds entrusted to them by God.

News From Our Certificate Investors

“The missional impact of our investment is the most important reason the Foundation holds the bulk of our emergency reserves. Our work at GNTV has always been about strengthening the work of the collective church.”

Rev. David Wood
GNTV Executive Director

“We invest because:

  1. The Foundation’s mission is faith-based.
  2. Relationships matter.
  3. Return on money invested.
  4. The Foundation’s investment in Wesley Glen Ministries via sponsorships, etc.
  5. A large number of our donors also trust the Foundation.”
Cameron Bishop
Wesley Glen Ministries President/CEO

“We have invested our money with the Foundation so it can grow on our behalf, and we will have more have more mission dollars to help the children. Our investment helps us, and the Foundation can also use that money to lend to Methodist organizations. It’s a win-win.” 

Caroline D. Edenfield
The Foundation of The Methodist Home President/Chief Executive Officer

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Certificates (7)

    Investors may invest in Term Certificates of one, two, three, or four years’ maturity, which earn a fixed rate of interest.

    Churches, nonprofits, families, and individuals (18 years or older), who reside in Georgia and have historical ties to the Methodist Church, can invest in the Certificate Program.

    Yes, a $5,000 minimum investment per certificate is required.

    Interest rates, set by the Foundation’s Investment and Loan Committees on a monthly basis, are determined by considering the rate of interest earned from current loans, market conditions, and rates of similar investments.

    Yes, at least 30 days before the maturity date, the Foundation will notify investors that they can either redeem the certificates or extend them.

    Although investments in the Certificate Program are not insured, they are safeguarded through strict investment and lending policies, strong board leadership, and competent staff.

    1. Review the Offering Circular, which includes investment objectives, risks, and other information.
    2. Complete an Application to Purchase a Certificate and mail it with your check payable to the Georgia United Methodist Foundation. Our mailing address is PO Box 922087, Peachtree Corners, GA 30010-2087

    Contact Us

    How can we best help you, your family, your church, or your nonprofit achieve your mission and live out the call of God in your life?

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