Pittman Park UMC Invests Its Reserve Fund
Pittman Park UMC lives out its mission through community, discipleship, and worship. Over 40 groups use the church’s facilities for yearly meetings. Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Jonathan Smith believes that being a gathering place for...
A Word of Thanks From Scholar Wonyeong Lee
The Georgia United Methodist Foundation’s Scholarship Ministry empowers the next generation of Christian leaders. We partner with donors who establish scholarship endowments with the Foundation, a student’s Methodist church, the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation...
Options for Year-End Giving
By. Rev. Keith E. Lawder, retired Georgia United Methodist Foundation President and CEO I love the last few months of the year. It is a time to reflect on the past, to give thanks for...
Gifting Securities to Your Church
By Russell H. Jones, Georgia United Methodist Foundation Senior Vice President, CFO, and Treasurer Giving appreciated assets such as publicly traded stocks, mutual funds, or bonds held more than one year is a great, tax-effective...
Headland Heights UMC Secures Loan for Renovations
Headland Heights UMC, located in East Point, has offered several ministries to assist individuals, youth, and families since its founding in the 1970s. Rev. Willie Greene serves as the church’s pastor. This family of faith...
Safeguarding the Foundation of Wesley Woods Investments
Diane Vaughan, Foundation of Wesley Woods President Wesley Woods Senior Living envisions a world in which older adults are celebrated for the lives they have lived, the wisdom they share, and everything they have yet...
Do Good on GivingTuesday-November 28, 2023
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a day encouraging people to do good. From 2012 to 2022, hundreds of millions of people gave $3.1 billion on GivingTuesday to support causes close to their hearts. Here...
The Foundation Receives Awards at UMAC’s Annual Meeting
On October 25, 2023, hundreds of United Methodist communicators were honored with an awards celebration at the annual meeting of the United Methodist Association of Communicators in Charleston, SC. Work was submitted across 10 classes...
Wespath Institutional Investments 3Q 2023 Review
The Georgia United Methodist Foundation is pleased to provide you with this exclusive Investment Quarterly Review. The Foundation is the exclusive distributor of the I Series of the Wespath Institutional Investments (Wespath) funds to Methodist...
The Foundation Redesigns Planned Giving Website
The Georgia United Methodist Foundation is pleased to announce the redesign of our Planned Giving website at: Our Planned Giving resources educate you on how you might plan your affairs to benefit your family...
Congratulations to Our 2023-2024 Scholarship Recipients!
Congratulations to the 36 students below who received United Methodist Dollars for Scholars scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year! The Georgia United Methodist Foundation partners with individuals and families who establish scholarship endowments, Methodist churches...
August Is National Make-A-Will Month
August is National Make-A-Will Month. Do you have a will? Is it up-to-date? If you were to die today, would your property go to the people, church, and charities for whom you want to provide...