As we prepare for the coming of Christ during the Advent season, we appreciate more than ever the role our churches play in keeping our focus on the true meaning of Christmas. To honor that principle role, we spoke with two of our investment partner churches to learn more about how they celebrate the season and just what this special time of year means to them.
Porterfield Methodist is awash in activity for the whole of the Advent season. Their first annual Jingle Jam brought families from around Albany, many attending the church for their first time, to take part in the merriment and celebration of the season. Only a few days later, they hosted their musical event of the season, Let Heaven and Nature Swing. The event is a time for young and old to come together in celebration of the season and enjoy a jazzy take on traditional and non-traditional Christmas music. And Advent is an important time for Porterfield to support their community by giving back in a number of ways. From making stockings for families in need to giving their Christmas Eve donations to two of their partner ministries, Jesus is at the heart of everything they do.
Porterfield Methodist Jingle Jam
Rome First UMC kicks off the season by decorating the church, hanging wreaths, garland, and, of course, placing the Advent Wreath to symbolize the growing excitement and joy of each passing week. Their congregation celebrates the giving season by participating in their church’s wish list to make sure their community is prepared for the coming year. The wish list is full of items big and small, including items needed by the church such as new AV equipment, a security system and other donation items sure to impact the overall congregation in a meaningful way. Reverend Valerie Loner was in awe of the giving they had already experienced saying, “People are truly generous. And when there is a specific item we need help with, they are even more likely to help out.”
For many families, an essential part of their holiday tradition includes a candle-lit Christmas Eve Service to signal the end of Advent and the chance to reflect on the miracle that is to come. Both Porterfield Methodist and Rome FUMC put on a Christmas Eve service that brings out many of their community members from near and far. As Loner put it, “By Christmas Eve, you’ve done all you can do. The presents are bought. The cooking is, for the most part, done. We can just sit and feel the awe and wonderment of the season.”
As we move through the season of preparation, the Foundation is proud to have partners who serve as the center of their community in ways both big and small. It is these moments of celebration, wonder and giving that are the core of our churches’ mission and what powers the Foundation’s purpose.